This tutorial shows you how to use  Holly McCaigs Border Effects as seen in this layout:
Step 1. Open your photo is PSE.

2. Go to the top of your screen and click on File > new blank file
3. This is what your screen will look like.
4. Drag your photo which is seen at the bottom left of the screen onto the blank white page.

5. Use the sizing tool (first tool on the top on the left column of the screen) and use the sizing marks around the photo to make the photo larger. You can make it pretty big as I did here.

6. Go up to the top of your screen and click on Layer > new layer
7.  Once you have your new layer open go to File > open 
and choose your holly McCaig frame it is number 19.

8. Now grab the center of the fragmented frame where you see the little circle and drag it down to the bottom of the screen and drop it on your photo. (the photo in the middle not the first one.)
Your screen will look like this.

9. Now grab your sizing marks, the little circles on the right and left, top and bottom and size it to your photo. You may have to scroll your page up and down to get the top and bottom if it comes out large like mine does. Then just play with the size till you get it how you want it. You can turn it, move it, flip it using your size tool.

10. After you get it how you want it. You can flatten your image.

11. Save the file. I like to save for the web but it's a preference. And you are done!

Hope you enjoyed this tut. Please share your creations with me. I would love to see them!

© Living in Color